LLVM-IR Instruction Latency Estimation Using Deep Neural Networks for a Software–Hardware Interface for Multi-Many-Cores
neural network, estimation, multicore, embedded system, SHIMAbstract
This study presents a method for estimating the latency of each LLVM-IR instruction to enable effective parallelization in model-based development. In recent embedded systems, such as in-vehicle electronic control, multi-many-core processors are utilized for the hardware, and model-based development for software. In the design of these systems, the degree of parallelism in the software and accuracy of performance estimation in the early design stages of the model-based development can be improved by estimating the performance of the blocks in the models and utilizing the estimate for parallelization. Research is therefore being performed on a software performance estimation technique that uses IEEE2804-2019 hardware feature description called Software-Hardware Interface for Multi-many-core (SHIM). In SHIM, each LLVM-IR instruction is associated with an execution cycle of the target processor. Several types of assembly instruction sequences are generated for the target processor from a given LLVM-IR instruction; thus, it is not easy to estimate the number of execution cycles. In this study, we propose a method that uses deep neural networks to estimate execution cycles for each LLVM-IR instruction. It can be observed that our method obtains a better estimation of LLVM-IR instruction latency compared with previous methods in experiments using the Raspberry Pi3 Model B+.Downloads
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How to Cite
Copyright (c) 2023 Hiro Mikami, Seira Iwai, Masato Edahiro

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.