Submission Preparation Checklist
As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.- This submission is an original work, free from any form of plagiarism (text, data, and figures).
- This submission has not been previously published, nor is it under consideration by another journal.
- This submission has been approved for publication by all co-authors and relevant authorities (e.g. an institution or sponsor).
- The submission, which includes all supplemental files (image files, tables file, captions file, and references in .bib), has been formatted and prepared in accordance with the submission guidelines.
- The manuscript has been (to the best of the authors’ abilities) written in good English and is free of grammatical errors. It has been checked with a proofreading tool (e.g. Grammarly) and, if possible, proofed by a language editor.
- The authors comply with the ethical standards as outlined in the Publication Ethics and Malpractice Statement.
Research Articles
Research articles should present the results of an original research study. These manuscripts should describe how the research project was conducted and provide a thorough analysis of the results of the project. Systematic reviews may be submitted as research articles.
Review Articles
A review article provides an overview of the published literature in a particular subject area.
Short Communications
Short communication should not exceed 3000 words (4 printed pages) with a maximum 4 figures or tables.
Copyright Notice
The author warrants that the article is original, written by the stated author(s), has not been published before, contains no unlawful statements, does not infringe the rights of others, is subject to copyright that is vested exclusively in the author and free of any third party rights, and that any necessary written permissions to quote from other sources have been obtained by the author(s).
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