Recent Modification of Decomposition Method for Solving Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations
Pdes, ADM, Modified Decomposition Method, Convergence AnalysisAbstract
In this paper, efficient modification of Adomain decomposition method is proposed to solve nonlinear partial differential equations. Yields solution in rapid convergent series from easily computable terms to get exact solution, and yields in few iterations we get exact solution. Moreover, this modification does not require any linearization, discretization, or perturbations and therefore reduces the computations. Two illustration examples are introduced and illustrate the procedure of modification is simple yet highly accurate and rapidly converge to exact solution compares with the ADM or other modifications. The methodology presented here is useful for strongly nonlinear problems.
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Copyright (c) 2020 Zainab Hadi Kareem , Luma Naji Mohammed Tawfiq

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