Some Remarks on Restricted Panel Data Model


  • Saja Yaseen Abdulsamad
  • Ameera Jaber Mohaisen



Panel Data Model, Maximum Likelihood Method, Constrained Model, Restricted Maximum Likelihood Method, Likelihood Ratio Test


In this paper , we investigate some remarks on panel data model with linear constraints on the coefficients of the random panel data model. Furthermore, it investigates the inferences . The restricted maximum likelihood method is employed to making inferences on the random panel data model.


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Author Biography

Ameera Jaber Mohaisen

Mathematics Department College of Education for Pure Science
AL-Basrah University-Iraq


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How to Cite

Abdulsamad, S. Y., & Mohaisen, A. J. (2017). Some Remarks on Restricted Panel Data Model. JOURNAL OF ADVANCES IN MATHEMATICS, 13(2), 7168–7175.


