Estimation of the Optimal Regularization Parameters in Optimal Control Problems with time delay


  • Eihab B M Bashier Faculty of Science, North Borders University, P.O. Box: 1631, Arar



Differential Operator, Tikhonov Regularization, Regularization parameter, L-curve method, discrepancy principle.


In this paper we use the L-curve method and the Morozov discrepancy principle for the estimation of the regularization parameter in the regularization of time-delayed optimal control computation. Zeroth order, first order and second order differential operators are considered. Two test examples show that the L-curve method and the two discrepancy principles give close estimations for the regularization parameters.


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Author Biography

Eihab B M Bashier, Faculty of Science, North Borders University, P.O. Box: 1631, Arar

Department of Mathematics


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How to Cite

Bashier, E. B. M. (2016). Estimation of the Optimal Regularization Parameters in Optimal Control Problems with time delay. JOURNAL OF ADVANCES IN MATHEMATICS, 12(9), 6589–6602.


